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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

The Designer Desktop >
Desktop Menus and Toolbars >
   Toolbars >
       Customize Toolbar Icons           

Customize Toolbar Icons

To customize toolbar icons:

1. Select Tools > Customize.

This displays the Customize dialog with the Toolbars tab selected. The field lists the available toolbars, with those currently selected being checked. To the right of the field are three buttons:

New — Launches the New Toolbar dialog which lets you specify a new toolbar name.

Reset — Resets the toolbar display to apply your current selections.

Reset All — Resets the toolbar display to match the original installed defaults.

2. Check the buttons to add additional toolbars to the desktop.

New toolbar icons are added to new rows as you click them. You can drag these to convenient locations.

3. Uncheck any buttons to remove toolbar icons.

4. Use the OK button to close the dialog, or the Cancel button to close without making changes.



• To add a shortcut button to the toolbar, select the component and category containing the desired operation, and then grab and drag the shortcut button to the toolbar to place it. Entire toolbars may be selected by clicking on the checkbox next to the toolbar in the window at the lower left of the dialog box.

• To create a new customized toolbar, select the New button on the Customize dialog box. Specify a name for the newly created toolbar, and then add the desired shortcut button to the custom toolbar by dragging it over the newly created toolbar. Continue to add shortcut buttons to complete the toolbar.

After adding the desired operators, place the toolbar anywhere in the design environment (among other docked toolbars or elsewhere) by dragging the new toolbar window by its colored banner. Note: the added toolbar will be visible only for the currently active editor window. To ensure that a toolbar is visible for a given editor window, activate that editor window and add the desired toolbar selection.

To restore the toolbars to their initial default setting, click the Reset All button on the Tools > Customize dialog box.


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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