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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Introducing Ansoft Designer® >
   Online Help for Designer Tools       

Online Help for Designer Tools

Designer features extensive online help documentation, including indexed entries, text search, and context-sensitive help items. To access the main online help system, click the Help entry on the Designer top menu bar. For more information see Using the Online Help System.


Additionally, each section of the Designer Online Help is also available in PDF format, as shown in the following table. Several other PDF/Text files are also included to help you understand Designer, including the Release Notes for the current Designer release.




• Before opening one of the file links below, you must first left-click to highlight the title of this page, Online Help for Designer Tools, in the expandable table of contents navigation pane shown at the left of this online help viewer.

• After opening one of the file links below, to return to this page, Online Help for Designer Tools, click the Back button in the upper left corner of the online help viewer.




Help Topic

File Link

Designer Release Notes

Text File: Designer Release Notes

Designer Installation Guide (Windows)

PDF File: Designer Installation Guide (Windows)

Designer Installation Guide (Unix/Linux)

PDF File: Designer Installation Guide (Unix/Linux)

Neutral File Format

PDF File: Ansoft Neutral File Format

Netlist File Encryption

PDF File: Ansoft Netlist File Encryption Tool

Fractional-N Synthesizer

PDF File: Fractional-N Synthesizer Simulation

Introducing Ansoft Designer

PDF File: Introducing Ansoft Designer

Using the Online Help System

PDF File: Using the Online Help System

The Designer Desktop

PDF File: The Designer Desktop

Getting Started with Ansoft Designer

PDF File: Getting Started with Ansoft Designer (online version)

Working With Designer Projects

PDF File: Working With Designer Projects

Using Component Libraries

PDF File: Using Component Libraries

Variables in Designer

PDF File: Variables in Designer

Schematic Editor

PDF File: Schematic Editor

Layout Editor User’s Guide

PDF File: Layout Editor User's Guide

Design Verification

PDF File: Design Verification

Netlist Editor User's Guide

PDF File: Netlist Editor User's Guide

Remote Analysis

PDF File: Remote Analysis

Windows HPC Integration

PDF File: Windows HPC Integration

ANSYS Workbench Integration

PDF File: ANSYS Workbench Integration

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators

PDF File: HFSS and Planar EM Simulators

System Simulator

PDF File: System Simulator

System Simulator Components

PDF File: System Simulator Components

Nexxim Simulator

PDF File: Nexxim Simulator

Nexxim Simulator Components

PDF File: Nexxim Simulator Components

Nexxim Design Examples

PDF File: Nexxim Design Examples

HSPICE in Designer

PDF File: HSPICE in Designer

Filter Design Tool

PDF File: Filter Design Tool

Transmission Line Designer

PDF File: Transmission Line Designer

Network Data Explorer

PDF File: Network Data Explorer

Smith Tool

PDF File: Smith Tool

Deembedding Wizard

PDF File: Deembedding Wizard

Generating Reports and Postprocessing

PDF File: Generating Reports and Postprocessing


PDF File: Optimetrics

Importing and Exporting Data

PDF File: Importing and Exporting Data

Dynamic Links and Solver On Demand

PDF File: Dynamic Links and Solver On Demand

Script Guide

PDF File: Script Guide

Terms in Designer

PDF File: Terms in Designer

Designer File Formats

PDF File: Designer File Formats

Message Manager Window

PDF File: Message Manager Window



HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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